Can LASIK Correct A Lazy Eye?
Monday, October 23rd, 2017, 10:00 amLazy eye is the result of a miscommunication between the eye and the brain. The affected eye might actually look normal despite popular opinion on how a lazy eye might appear. Nonetheless, the occurrence is marked by the brain favouring one eye over the other. Because the brain and eye are not working together as they should, the result is reduced vision in the affected eye.
Because of its popularity and its ability to fix so many eye issues, patients often wonder if LASIK eye surgery is the answer to their lazy eye problems. Please read on to figure out what LASIK can or cannot do for a patient with a lazy eye.
Can LASIK Correct One’s Lazy Eye?
The most straightforward answer to the question is that typically LASIK cannot correct a lazy eye, but there are exceptions.
Essentially, because the issue is with the eye’s communication with the brain, LASIK is unable to do anything that impacts this pathway. LASIK can only manipulate the eye directly and will not be able to change how it speaks to your brain.
Is There Anything LASIK Can Do For Lazy Eye?
Nonetheless, there is one condition that causes some forms of lazy eye that could benefit from LASIK. This condition is known as amblyopia. Amblyopia can happen when one eye has more nearsightedness or farsightedness than the other eye. This can lead to underdeveloped pathways and can result in a lazy eye. In such cases, LASIK can be used as a treatment option. It can also be an important means in preventing lazy eye or stopping its further development by balancing out the eyes, thus preventing the underdeveloped pathways from worsening.
Why Treat Amblyopia With LASIK Instead of Glasses?
In some cases, treating amblyopia with LASIK can be preferable to treating it with prescription lenses. This is due to the potential discomfort experienced by those wearing glasses for this condition.
At times, because the eyeglass lenses create an unequal level of magnification, it’s possible that patients might feel ill and experience discomfort, such as nausea, when wearing them. In cases like this, LASIK can be particularly beneficial in treating the issue while also preventing the progression of lazy eye. A consultation would be necessary to determine whether or not LASIK could be a possible treatment option.
If you are interested in LASIK eye surgery to treat lazy eye, consider Skouras Eye and Cosmetic Centre. We are one of the leading comprehensive eye care facilities in Toronto. To schedule an appointment or for more information, contact us here.
Category: Lasik Eye Surgery FAQs